Posts by FPC Idaho Falls

Lenten Sermon Series: “Oh, the ...

Lenten Sermon Series: “Oh, the Places We Will Go!”

Join us during the Season of Lent, for Pastor Phil’s Sermon Series, “Oh, the Places We Will Go!” Pastor Phil will look at a different sticker from his guitar case and how it relates to our call as Christians. This series will start on March 9th and go through Easter on April 20th.

Join us for worship, Sunday, April 6,...

Join us for worship, Sunday, April 6, 2025

Join us this week, Sunday, April 6, 2025 as we look at a passage from John 12 and the importance of service.

New Pastor’s Bible Study on Luk...

New Pastor’s Bible Study on Luke, starting on Tuesday, April 1st at 1pm in Room 339.

Join us for a new Pastor’s Bible Study on Luke next Tuesday, April 1st at 1pm in Room 339.

Weekly Bell Choirs and Westminster Ch...

Weekly Bell Choirs and Westminster Choir

Our weekly Bell Choir and Westminster Choirs will begin practicing for the 2024-2025 church year. The Youth Bell choir will meet on Tuesdays at 5:30pm and the Adult Bell choir will meet on Tuesdays at 6pm starting Tuesday, September 3rd. Westminster Choir meets on Thursdays at 7pm starting on September 5th.

Welcome to First Presbyterian Church ...

Welcome to First Presbyterian Church Video!

Click “Read More” or organ pipe picture below:

Weekly Bulletins for Sunday 10:30am S...

Weekly Bulletins for Sunday 10:30am Services and other Programs…

Giving online is now available.

Giving online is now available.

Our new church purpose statement is: Building Relationships; Sharing God’s love. Click on the “Giving” tab at the top of this page.

Promise Ridge

Promise Ridge

Please continue to support Promise Ridge, a transitional family shelter in Idaho Falls. In the last year, 14 families have come through Promise Ridge and are now making it on their own. Interested? Call the church at 208-523-0501 for more information and we’ll connect you to Club, Inc.

Hello and Welcome to First Presbyteri...

Hello and Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Idaho Falls!

Hi, my name is Phil Hagen and I am the pastor here at First Presbyterian Church of Idaho Falls.  My wife Michelle, our son Jack, and I have been here for over seven years now.  FPC Idaho Falls really is a great community of faith who are actively seeking to love God and neighbor.  If […]

325 Elm Street
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
(208) 523-0501

Sunday Schedule

Worship 10:30 AM
Fellowship Time 11:30 AM

Office Hours

Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed