Rev. Dr. Phillip A. Hagen, Pastor
*Phil Hagen has been serving as the pastor of First Presbyterian Church since September of 2017. Phil received his B.A. in Psychology from Whitworth University in 2000. He received his M.Div in 2004 and D.Min in 2016 from Columbia Theological Seminary. Phil is married to his wife Michelle and together they have a four year old son, Jack. Phil enjoys spends time with his family, nature photography, hiking, pottery, and reading.
If you want to contact Pastor Phil you can call the church (208-523-0501) or e-mail him at pastorphil@fpcidahofalls.org
Leah Zumberge-Director of Music Ministries
*Leah is our new Director of Music Ministries. We are excited to have Leah, her husband, and four children be a part of our church. We are so blessed to have Leah leading the music of our church, including our Bell Choir, Children’s Choir (with Kairos), Westminster Adult Choir, and our weekly worship services.
Kelly P’Pool, Sexton
*Kelly has worked at First Presbyterian Church for 24 years and 21 consecutive years. Kelly knows the grounds of the church inside and out. She is a vital asset to our church.
Kimberly Kvamme, Administrative Assistant
*Kim is a long time church member and has been working as one of our administrative assistants for the last six years. Kim knows our church, its members, and is vitally important member.
Melanie Wetzel, Administrative Assistant
*Melanie is also a long time church member and has been working as one of our administrative assistants since March of 2017. Melanie also works as one of lead youth leaders and provides wonderful leadership in all she does for our church.
Alysha Osterhout, Organist
Alysha is one of our organists as of January of 2022. She is currently a student at BYU-Idaho in Rexburg. We are incredibly grateful for Alysha and her talents on the organ.
Riley Palmer, Organist
Riley is one of our two organists since April of 2022. He is currently finishing his degree at BYU-Idaho in Rexburg. We are so grateful for Riley’s gifts on the organ and willingness to play at FPC Idaho Falls.